Sri Sai Darshan Trust is a non-profit charitable organization founded by Gurumai Shanthamma in Hosur (near Bangalore India), and registered on the 26th of February 1996. The main objective of the trust is to spread Sri Shirdi Sai Baba's message of love towards all beings and service to humanity, thereby fostering spiritual growth and love for God. Gurumai Shanthamma, who is known as Guru Maa or Maa was far from being born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Not only that, Maa had to witness first hand the extreme suffering of her parents throughout their lives; through all of this she maintained an unshakeable faith and love for God. So for this reason Maa has set up an ashram for helping:

  • - Needy persons, particularly women
  • - Persons with a desire to serve
  • - Poor children
  • and Prayer Hall dedicated to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.

The ashram has been constructed through generous donations. Even the land was donated by a devotee. Shirdi Sai Baba used to feed the poor with his own hands and never turned away from charity to any being. The trust was formed as an organization for people regardless of caste, creed, or religion to keep up these noble views of selfless service and love towards humanity.

For the residents of the ashram, full accommodation is provided, which includes food, clothing, and all personal needs, apart from free boarding.

Multifarious service activities are being undertaken by the trust, like organising health camps, providing clothing to poor children, extending Pranic Healing treatment, giving donations for eye operations, guiding in Chakra meditation and so on.

The ashram houses a Prayer Hall dedicated to Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, as already mentioned, with smaller attached shrines dedicated to various deities.

The foundation stone of the ashram complex was laid on the 10th of December 1997 by Maa and the members of the trust and the construction activity got completed by 2001.