NEWSLETTER - Last Quarter of 2024
Sai Ram Jai Maruthi Jai Maruthi! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and welcome to this quarter's newsletter! Our last quarter of 2024 was filled with many exciting events, from Navaratri, Vijyadasami, Deepavali, Kartigai Deepam, Christmas, Homi Baba's birthday and the our annual December function.
Our quarter began with Navaratri, and was celebrated by performing a Kali puja on each day. Usually Kali in most parts of India is feared for her ferocious nature, but here in the ashram she expresses her all powerful, yet divine motherly love to all who take her darshan. There was a special puja that was performed each day during which, Sri Lalitha Sahasranama was recited. A different variety of sundal and sweet was made for offering, on all 9 days! We were overwhelmed by Mother Kali’s divine grace and presence!
On the ninth day of Navaratri, ‘Navami,’ Saraswati Puja was done in the morning along with carrying out all the customs followed by all students. Usually on this day, students keep their books in front of Goddess Saraswati during the puja. And on the following morning on Vijayadashami, students read one or two lines from those same books following the Punar Puja, seeking the blessings of Saraswati for a promising year in their academics.
Every Navaratri is more special for Sai devotees because it culminates with Baba’s Mahasamadhi Day, which falls on Vijayadashami. This year, Vijayadashami fell on on October 12th which is also the day that Shirdi Baba actually took Mahasamadhi, in 1918. On this day, our Gurumaa and all the devotees present participated in the abhishekam to Shirdi Baba’s murti. The significance of this particular Baba is that He resides in Maa’s pooja room in the ashram, and is only brought down twice a year-during Vijaydashami and during Baba’s annual rathotsavam. Bhajans were also sung to commemorate this auspicious day and to honor and worship our beloved Shirdi Sai Baba. Vijayadashami is the day that our dear Shri Shirdi Sai Baba left his mortal coil to merge with the cosmic universe. Though Baba is omnipresent, Vijaydashami is the single most celebrated day of the year to receive the grace and worship our Sai Baba. On Dashami, we also performed Ayudha Puja, which in simple terms, means “worship of instruments.” On this day, all the tools that are used on a daily basis are worshipped. All the tools and instruments used by the staff in the ashram and in the annadhanam hall, were worshipped. This included the worship of our pots and pans, utensils, the car, lawnmower, and so many other items that are used for daily living.
Next, Deepavali fell on October 31st, during which the entire ashram and temple were magnificently lit up with lamps, similar to the way that Baba would decorate Dwarakamai with oil lamps every day.
On November 18th, upon Maa’s instructions and Baba’s blessings we installed a Ganapathy in the front entrance of the temple. Baba named this Ganapathy as Vetri Ganapathy which means “Victorious Ganapathy.” He is rightfully placed to protect the temple and remove all obstacles, and is the first thing we see as we enter our main gate. This day marks day 1 of the mandala pooja which will last 48 days.
Next was Kartigai Deepam on December 13th. Here in our ashram the entire temple, prayer hall, and ashram were lit with hundreds of lamps! It was a beautiful sight to witness!
On the evening of the 24th, Christmas was celebrated with lots of festivity. Abhishekam was done in the morning for Infant Jesus, followed by a celebration in the evening, when all devotees, children and adults alike participated. The decorations included lights, ornaments, a grand Christmas Tree, a snowman, a dancing Santa, along with candles, which were lit while singing Christmas carols. We celebrated by distributing cake to all those who attended!
The final main event of this quarter was this year’s December function-the Sri Chandi Homam! Starting off on the 25th evening, the Dhwaja Aarohanam (ceremonial raising of the temple flag) to mark the beginning of the function, where Baba’s chariot was also brought. Following this, all the devotees and priests entered the prayer hall to perform Ghata Sthapanam for the Chandi Homam. This was then followed by Chandi Parayanam.
The next morning on the 26th, Ganapati Pooja, Go Pooja, and Guru Pooja were performed followed by Sri Vidya Homam. The main event of our function then took place-Sri Chandi Mahayaaga. Chandi Homam is significant of Chandi and her protective nature of all Her children. We prayed to Her to seek Her blessings, protection and empowerment. Mahapurnahuti was then performed and afterwards, all devotees proceeded to move towards the hall. Next, Noon Aarti was performed, followed by Annadhanam. Annandhanam was performed on a daily basis after Noon Aarthi during the function, with an average of 300 to 400 people in attendance, daily! Ganapati Pooja, Go Pooja, and Baba Pooja were also performed on the rest of the function mornings as the preliminary poojas. In the evening, Homi Baba's birthday was celebrated in Homi Baba’s sannadhi with everyone in attendance. There was a special abhishekam done for Homi Baba in the morning. A special puja was performed by Maa after which she led everyone with Homi Baba’s prayer and bhajans full of love for and devotion for our beloved Paramaguru. Maa then cut a pineapple cream cake which was distributed to all devotees! Following the evening aarthi, Baba’s Rathotsavam began, starting the evening with music, dance, and utter joy! A preliminary pooja was performed for Baba, following which all devotees were lead by Maa, behind the chariot around the temple, 3 times. Devotees fanned Baba with chamaras, pulled Baba’s chariot, and sang bhajans, enhancing the positivity and joy in the air!
The next morning, on the 27th, began with Laksharchana. This was performed in the main hall. Laksharchana denotes the chanting of the mantra, “Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namaha,” 100,000 times-divided by 100 devotees, equaling 1000 recitations per devotee.This was followed by the noon Aarthi and annadhanam. An interesting point to note is that all the akshata (rice grains) that were used for the Laksharchana, were used for the next day’s annadhanam-all devotees present, received the benefit of the Laksharchana, directly. In the evening, Baba’s rathotsavam took place, once again!
The 27th, marked the final day of our December function. We performed Sri Guru Pada Pooja for Maa, while chanting Vishnu Sahasranama and Hanuman Chalisa. During the Pada Pooja, we performed an archana for Maa, while reciting Maa’s ashtotram. Finally in the evening, The Dhwaja Avarohanam (ceremonial lowering of the temple flag) took place, to signify the end of the function.
As the year wrapped up, the last major event of our year was our annual New Year’s Eve celebration. On New Year's Eve, devotees gathered in the hall close to midnight to wish Baba, a happy new year. As usual, everyone was blessed with the opportunity to do abhishekam for Baba. At midnight, Maa did the Aarti for Baba and distributed the new 2025 calendars and sweets to everyone!
On the charity front, for the upcoming Pongal festival, Sri Sai Darshan Trust donated dry ration kits consisting of 5 kg rice, one kg of sugar, toor dal, green gram dal, washing soap, and bathing soap. Devotees from SSDT went to surrounding villages and personally distributed these kits to 108 underprivileged people. These kits each costed approximately Rs. 800.
As always, it goes without saying that the Poornima puja, Pradosham puja, and Thursday annadhanam are taking place without fail. We thank you, all devotees and well-wishers, for your continuous support. Here’s to a wonderful quarter and year filled with love, happiness, and good health!
Welcome to 2025!
May Baba’s grace and Maa’s blessings be showered on us all.
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